Crazy Smart People Who Could Change The World

So I just stumbled across this company called Vicarious and they are working on some crazy cool shit. Basically they are working on AI

We are building a unified algorithmic architecture to achieve human-level intelligence in vision, language, and motor control. 

Just reading the descriptions of the people that work there is amazing. This is possibly the most powerful think tank around at the moment (apart from those crazy nutters at Google X). They have 17 PhDs working on the problems and with $70 Million in funding and without the handcuffs of product development and publications they are going to do amazing things.

We have raised ~$70M in funding and are not constrained by publication, grant applications, or product development cycles. At Vicarious, there is room to develop new approaches that would otherwise not be supported in academia or industry

So watch out world, Skynet is coming.

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